For those not in my English class, this an analysis for Henry Fleming, the main protagonist in the book
Red Badge of Courage, and Forest Gump (yes, the movie!) to draw inferences on what happens in intense situations.
My Inference about Running:
Intense situations causes an instinctual reaction in him/her in order for self-preservation by either fighting or fleeing.
"[Henry] threw down his gun and fled. He ran like a rabbit. He ran like a blind man."
- Henry ran without even thinking. His commanding officer never gave an order for retreat.
In the clip from Forest Gump, Forest wanted to stay and fight when the regiment was attacked.
- The only reason Forest actually ran was because everyone told him to. He was trained to fight when the time came.
Our most basic instincts are to survive and these instincts outweigh everything. People will act in a way they'd never say they will because of that drive they get to survive.