Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Technology of Tomorrow

As of lately, I have been doing more and more assignments on a computer since I got into high school and even in the 9th grade. We do essays, projects and daily assignments on them and it’s a lot different from having so many papers to keep up with. After all, computers are the technology of tomorrow. They save trees from being processed into paper; they can save, upload and grant access to vast amounts of information that's easier to look up than going book-hunting in libraries. Resources are limitless, like being able to keep up with documents, save videos, quick (though maybe not always) accessible information on anything world wide. We might even in the near future get rid of heavy textbooks to carry around and read out of textbooks online.

Computers; Center stage Tells that if children in elementary start learning about computers and technology, they become accustomed to them and help prepare them for use of computers in the future. With hard work, they grow comfortable around technology and its mind-boggling uses, even the kids who have no computer access at home. I remember my own English teacher saying that her two-year old daughter has already learned how to scroll through and use an iPhone. It just goes to show, the earlier kids learn, the better they can use technology which will help greatly as kids go through their school years and even later on in life. (Goldstein)

Computer uses and dependability are increasing more and more each day and its essential now to be able to use them properly. It would greatly help students in having these skills so they may use technology to help themselves complete assignments.

Goldstein, Zac. "Technology takes Center Stage: Schools Incorporate Computers in Education." Ebscohost. Sun Journal (New Bern, NC), 17 Dec 2006. Web. 23 Feb 2011.