Thursday, February 9, 2012

Initial Thoughts of Frankenstein

The story of Frankenstein has always facinated me. The thought of creating new life, although it is macarbe and unnerving, yes, it is facinating all the same. For what reason would anyone have for creating life, a new being, and even if they succeeded, what then? Most would shudder and belittle even the thought of such an act.

Over the years, people have portrayed the image of the infamous Doctor Frankenstein as a man desprately mad and insane over his project of making a new being. No. Something seems wrong about this picture. Why would a madman want to create life? No. It seems more likely that the doctor is motivated by a sheer desire to leave his mark on the world and to make more of a difference by creating a new better being.

In any case, it will be interesting to see exactly what the real origins of this story is. I'm so excited!