Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Compare/Contrast stories.

Stories can bring much joy to people and can be compared or contrasted to everyday life or even other stories. Stories like Cinderella(story 1), The Hypocritical Cat(story 2), and Beauty and the Beast(story 3). These stories can have their themes or morals linked to the real world to teach a lesson, and not indifferent to parables.

For those who haven’t read The Hypocritical Cat, (and you probably haven’t) long story short,its about a cat that has grown old and must trick the mice to catch them by pretending to make up for  eating them in the past while still eating them behind their backs.

Stories 1 and 3 have very similar sounding themes that both mean along the lines of, “Treat all people equally and look past appearances to the worth of people that counts.” Both stories also resolve with two of the most unlikely people getting married and living happily ever after. Story 2 does not have its story resolved, rather, it presents its moral lesson, “don’t fool others for personal gain”, to readers so that the same conflict does not arise.

Stories 1 and 2 have their antagonist throughout the story, beginning to end,  while story 3 eventually has its antagonist turn good guy towards the end of the story and another antagonist surfaces. Story 2 and 3 both have their antagonists as animals in their story.

All of the stories though have this in common: animals played some sort of role in the story, whether it was a small part or a major role to the whole story. Each story was fiction but can be related to real life situations.

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