Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Current Connections: UNT students petition to remove Chick-fil-A from Union

What's the author's purpose?

  • To prevent two sides of a war between anti same-sex marriage groups and pro-same-sex groups. It is also to say that people shouldn't be refused a job because of their sexuality.
Does the author accomplish his/her purpose?

  • Yes, for the most part. This article only gives a few views on the issue for gay marriage.
What ideas do I agree with?

  • I agree that people shouldn't be refused a job just because they are gay. Being gay in no way inhibits nor elevates the ability to perform any kind of honest job like the clerk job refused at Chick-fil-A. Also, refusal of said job infringes upon the equality all people should share. Constitutional rights state that "all men are created equal." The Chick-fil-A Union has made a pretty bold and outright hateful move and the result might be a major lawsuit. Bottom line, you can't fight a sin with hate. Hate only deepens the wound and lenghtens the war. Fight it with love and the wound can be healed.
What ideas do I disagree with?

  • Although what I just said leans toward a belief of same sex marriage, I believe that gay people shouldn't be able to marry. Relations like that should exist only between a husband and wife (a man and a woman). It's the way God and nature intended.
What do I not understand?

  • I don't understand why people think that hate will win the war against this issue.
What Connections can I make with the text?

  • From looking at history and how issues have been resolved, it seems that the best way to solve it isn't going to be with heated arguments.
How can I become a more active participant in my learning?

  • Make an effort to read article and texts on current issues I know little about in order to eliminate as much bias as I can.
How can I take responsibility for my learning?

  • Take heed of all advice and information that comes my way and keep an open mind.

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